
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long Days, Short Nights, and Unsettling Work Situations

Today has been the LONGEST day! I was up a little after six, when I could have slept until seven. I'm sure that tomorrow when I have to wake up early I will be sleeping like crazy. Then I went to our office to get files and to my new school to have a tour and meet the teachers that I will be working with during the school year. While I was at the school I found out that I basically have no clients. Which is an issue because with no clients I don't get paid. I called my boss to tell her what was going on and SHE freaked out. Let me tell you, if there is one thing that can make you feel completely terrified  it is your boss freaking out over your work situation. In the course of this day I have been moved all over our county, between multiple age groups, and with various numbers of clients. It wasn't until almost 4pm today that I even knew what school I would be going to in the morning. I have spent most of this day on the verge of a panic attack, reciting prime numbers and various lines from poems I love trying to calm down.

I know that I have freaked out about work a LOT on here recently, but it is REALLY scary to have no idea where you are going to be working. The kids we work with need stability, because most of them have never had it, and that makes me worry even more. However, I am in a set location now (one of the middle schools in our county) and even though I only have one client right now more will come in the next few weeks. Which more freaking out on here! I hope. I really do love my job, it's just that there have been SO many uncertainties about this upcoming school year that it has been easy to forget that.

Everyone cross your fingers for me. I am a firm member of Team Hate Wednesday, and starting school on Wednesday just seems like bad news. But I will see one of my aunties tomorrow and I know the kid I am working with right now. Both of those are AWESOME for me. So I am looking forward to the day and being SUPER positive about everything!

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