
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Reading Goals

I've been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year, reading wise. I'm not really thrilled with my reading last year, but I did better than expected I guess, considering I have an insane job that keeps my busy and a GIGANTIC family that adds to the busyness. I do well with goals, but I usually get distracted by challenges and sign up for WAY to many of them. That being said, I'm not going to sign up for any challenges this year. If I decide to read steampunk, I'll read steampunk. Same with dystopian, fairy tale retellings, or vampire stories. I do  tend to lean toward YA authors, and I really do enjoy paranormal/fantasy/fairy/etc. So most of books will come from there. With all of these things in mind, along with the massive number of books I own and my TBR lists, I have set some personal goals.

  1. Read 75 books next year, 50 of which are not rereads
  2. 12 Classic novels- I have a list of these, which I will add to the sidebar. I'm not sure if I will make it through them or not, but I'd like to give them a chance.
  3. Read the 2011 Youth Award winners. This includes Newbery, Printz, National Book Award, etc.
  4. 2011 Debs. I would like to say that I am going to read ALL of the 2011 Debs. But that seems unrealistic. However, this year I read MANY debut novels that I absolutely loved, and I want the chance to fall in love with these new authors as well. My goal is to read at least one debut novel a month.
  5. During Banned Books Week I want to read three banned/challenged books. However, during the year I'd also like to read banned books as well. In total I would like to read 15 banned/challenged books during 2011.
So there are my goals. They aren't lofty at all, but I think that they will help me focus my reading and actually get some things read.  As always, if you have suggestions feel free to leave them for me! I am always looking for ways to add to my TBR pile!

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